Susan Jean Smith
Apr 20, 2023
" Add the Word- Sports in Search Tab"
When I added the word "Sports," to the information TAB; I got a load of information that I was not expecting on the IACET Website. This is what came up.
2. Bringing the Competitive Mindset into the Classroom and Office
3. The March towards Accreditation
Tags: Accreditation, Accreditation Benefit, re-accreditation, Quality, Standards
4. Meet the Commissioner: Pete Knoetgen
Tags: A Closer Look, Meet the Commissioner
5. Most Unusual Accredited Provider: Canopy Growth Corporation
Tags: A Closer Look
6. Five Key Considerations to Selecting an Association LMS Company
Tags: Learning Management Systems, LMS
7. How to Form a Relationship with Your Coach
Therefore, I recommend to type in a subject area - word- within the search tab, on the IACET website. You may be able to see several connections to "what interest you most," with those who have sought accreditation with IACET. These are some amazing strories of CEU accreditation processess. I hope you enjoy the links and the stories.
-Susan Jean Smith, April 19, 2023
International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) . (n.d.). Search results. Search Results. Retrieved April 19, 2023, from https://iacet.org/search/search-results/?keywords=Sports&display=search&newSearch=true&noCache=1