April 19, 2023
By Susan Jean Smith
Steps to Planning a Continuing Education Course
Formating a plan to work on sections of creating a Continiuting Education Course can be simplified into better steps of action. If you have taken a CEU course before, then review in your mind what the experience was like. Take time to remember each part of the course. What did you like about the course, and what did you not like about the course? Then think how you can make the course you are creating effective and interesting. If you have not taken a CEU course before, you may want to interview someone who has. What were the strengths of the course, and what were the weaknessess of the course? Which parts were most helpful to the occupation targeted for the course's objectives? What did you learn from the course or what did your associate learn from the course? How was the course most helpful for being up to date with current facts or knowledge for training? After you, as an instructional designer have thought about all of these things, it is time to make the most of your thoughts and start planning your CEU course.
Verify That Content Information is Correct
First, make a small list of the content and the authors you will be using for the course. Check to see if all the session content relates to what is current for now. Then, organize your content into a main topic and jot down what sub topics you will be writing about. Arrange an outline what your course will include, and rememer that you are trying to follow ANSI/IACET Guidelines to be accrdited. Next, look again to doubecheck to see if all session content is correct. Then, start a reference page with links. Make sure that you are up to date with all of the references that you are using. After that, get permission to use any images/ or information when applicable. Use a citation machine link to cite sources of your information on a reference page. The reference needs to have, when obtainable, the following: a title, author's name, and date of publication.
Inspect the Content of the Continuing Education Unit Course
It is always a good idea to have someone else, in the same kind work, edit your course. This person can be objective in the following ways below.
First Glance Inspection
View the content of the course and back the course up with other authors of additional activities, if the course is not meeting course objectives.
Final Inspection
This last inspection of the course needs to review that all the steps of the course are really there. In addtion, make sure the links and items in the course are working. Make sure the course is accessible for using different browser windows such as Firefox, Safari, and Google Chrome. Then check to see your course will work on a cell phone, a table, and a regular Personal Computer.
Checkpoints of the CEU Course Creation
It is important to keep track of each part of the course, and how long it takes to complete each session. In that way, you can gage yourself about how long the total course will be. Secondly, look for any flaws in the courses made. Are there any links which are not working? Make sure that you add any elements to your videos, as needed, such as closed captioning. Thirdly, check again to see if all links are working well. Fourthly, make sure that all formative and summative assessments produce a score. Fifthly, it is important to have your course free of all cultural bias. Sixthly, check the mutimedia ( font size, images, videos, and text) is clear and is working well Seventhly, make your course interactive with activities that are meeting module objectives.
Having a Meeting Set Up That Occurs at the Same Time
This part takes extra effort and time. It may take going to a library to use several computers at the same time, to double check that the course can be use in multiple locations, all at once. First, be sure to check that all links are available and that each course remains the same. Secondly, verify that the meeting dates and sessions of the meetings are correct and current. Thirdly, if technical assistance is needed during the sessions, offer a "help" or chat assistance tool on your course. Fouthly, provide a certificate of completion at the end of the CEU course.
Author of a CEU Course Final Approval Steps
At the end, review your course. Does your course fit what you thought of doing in the beginning of your planning stages? Do you like the course that you created? What do you see as ecceptional about your course? Once you have really sat back and thought about the course content, think about all the steps to creating this course, and how you have followed the ADDIE MODEL for accrediting your course with using the Continuing Education and Training Standard. Look below and double check your course with this inforgraphic.
Then, submit your final proofs of the course to the stakeholders of your organization. If your are apart of the accreditation team of your organization, you will be a part of submitting all organizational courses for accrediation with the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training. Keep in mind that being accredited for organizational CEUs involves more than you creating just one course. The whole picture takes on how the organization functions and whether the guidelines are followed, such at what the inforgraphic shows below.
The Instructional Designer can apply the VC-OEI Online Course Design Rubric when developing their course. This is the link- https://onlinenetworkofeducators.org/course-design-academy/online-course-rubric/#:~:text=The%20Rubric%20is%20intended%20to,and%20conforms%20to%20existing%20regulations.
The most important part of creating a CEU Course is to practice these guidelines, and to work with your team members. You organization, as a team can apply to be accredited with IACET, for Contiuning Education Unit Courses. Just by learning more of what to do will make a big difference in your contribution to your organization, as an instructional designer. The link to apply for accrdiation is-
California Community Colleges. (2022, August 3). The CCC Online Education Initiative (OEI) online course design rubric. Online Network of Educators. Retrieved April 19, 2023, from https://onlinenetworkofeducators.org/course-design-academy/online-course-rubric/#:~:text=The%20Rubric%20is%20intended%20to,and%20conforms%20to%20existing%20regulations.
IACET. (n.d.). Becoming an IACET accredited provider. Becoming an IACET Accredited Provider. Retrieved April 19, 2023, from https://www.iacet.org/ce-t-accreditation/application-process/